<aside> 💡 Don’t have an account yet? Sign up for a fully-functional free account here!


Uploading files


To upload a file or a folder, click the Upload button in the top part of the page. Then simply drag and drop everything into the upload area or click it to open an upload window. Once you’re done, click Upload N files and wait for the process to be completed. Depending on the total size of the batch and your internet connection, it can take some time. Be sure not to close the tab!

<aside> 💡 To ensure efficient file replication and fault tolerance, Macula.Link uses IPFS as the storage technology. You can learn more about reasoning and technical details in our IPFS 101 primer.


Quick publish


You can share any file (not only photos and videos) in just a few clicks.

  1. In the files list, click on the three dots button for the file you want to share and pick publish

  2. Fill in the fields, choose a size preset, enable on-the-fly transformations if you need them, and select the license.

    <aside> 💡 Licensing is important! Read our primer on different licenses if you don’t know which one to pick.


  3. Click publish and get your links!

  4. Once the file is published, you can share a direct link, UniLink, or a JSON Data Source.

<aside> 💡 “Direct link” makes sense but what are the other two?

Universal Links (or UniLinks for short) are SEO-optimized pages with all your information designed to be shared online instead of direct links. You can learn more about them here. Data Sources are special “endpoints” that allow to get file metadata and other information without loading the file itself. They are often useful when making websites or apps. Learn more about Data Sources here.


Sharing transformations

Each individual transformation you create can be shared separately. To learn more about the concept of transformations, read this section of our documentation.