Macula.Link has a flexible image editing engine that combines in-place destructive edits (make changes and save a new copy) and non-destructive on-the-fly transformations performed in the moment someone wants to view the image.

To edit an image and save a changed copy, open the file you need and click New transformation. From there you can apply any combination of transformations to your liking. Once you’re done, click See preview and then Save transformation.

To enable on-the-fly transformations, pick a transformation you want to share, click Publish and make sure to click the Enable on-the-fly transformations checkbox before publishing it. At first you won’t notice the difference but try adding ?w=200 to the direct URL of the image and see what happens!

<aside> 💡 To learn more about available transformations, nuances, and best practices, check the relevant documentation here.
