Whether you’re new to Macula or looking for a quick refresher on its features, this page is a perfect place to get a quick grasp of Macula’s capabilities and navigate through everything it has to offer as of today. For a more in-depth view of each feature, feel free to explore the corresponding sections of the documentation.

Table of Contents

Get your content seen, not stolen. Stress-free asset management for creators: securely store, share anywhere, track performance & see who’s using your multimedia.

Get started with Macula.Link in 5 min

The first thing you need to do is, obviously, create an account. To do that, go to https://app.macula.link/login/, click “Send magic link”, and follow the link you receive in your email inbox. Done!

A wise next move is to add a few words about yourself along with links to your social profiles. You can do that right after signing up or at any later moment by clicking the profile picture icon in the top right corner and selecting “Settings”.

If you suddenly feel lost, look for the “Explore free features” unfolding menu in the bottom left corner. It's your little to-do list for getting started with Macula.

Now go to “Files”, click “Upload” and drop some files in! Once uploading is finished, go back, click the three dots on the right of the file you want to share, and select “Publish”.


Optionally, fill in the fields, select the license, and click “Publish”. No need to bother about the rest for now. Click the “Preview link” button and—ta-da!—admire your freshly published picture. 🎉

This may look simple, because it is! But, in fact, Macula has done a lot of things in the background:

  1. Generated a new version of the image using a preset and saved it, connecting it to the original.
  2. Updated the metadata of the new copy with the title, description, and keywords.
  3. Embedded licensing information and Web Statement metadata into the file.
  4. Generated an SEO-optimized webpage with image information, licensing details, and links to your social profiles.

Not bad for a few mouse clicks, right? But even so, we’ve only scratched the surface of what you can do with Macula. Let’s dig deeper!

The “Why”: Macula’s philosophy

Being a visual content creator can be equally fulfilling and daunting. When the market is already so saturated and you have to wear many hats all the time, you naturally want to focus more on what brings the most value. Macula is meant to fit seamlessly into your workflow, taking over mundane (but still important!) tasks like managing copyright details, creating multiple renditions of an image, and sharing them quickly, without compromising on attribution or protecting your intellectual property.