While IPFS-storage has sizeable merits , most IPFS-based solutions come with a rudimentary user interface that may not feel as natural as working with files on your computer or a traditional cloud drive.

Macula is different: we bring optimized user experience to IPFS, making file management seamless and intuitive.

Working with folders

Let's take working with folders as an example. When you drop a folder to upload, Macula will preserve its hierarchy in the app as well, allowing you to freely browse the files as if you were using a regular cloud drive. Say you upload a folder named My Pictures with sub folders Family, Friends, and Work, ****each of which has more subfolders. Macula will preserve the hierarchy, and you will see all the files in their respective places, just as you’d expect.

You can preview the folder structure by looking under Upload Structure and clicking each respective drop-down.

When creating directories yourself, you can split them with /, and the app will automatically create the structure of subfolders for you. Writing pictures/family/vacation will create three folders: pictures, family, and vacation, nested in each other, respectively.

Rich Media Insights: Images and Videos

Macula also offers handy features for images and videos. Opening an image in the web app, you will see a lot of useful information, such as the histogram, image parameters, and the full metadata list. For video files, Macula supports chapters (timestamps for specific parts of the video that are displayed in the player), external subtitles, and even streaming video through IPFS!